Unterschiedliche Präferenz? Wir haben die Lösung!
Unterschiedliche Präferenz? Wir haben die Lösung!

Smartfit Online Sizing - Facts just became more individual!

It is a classic case in the bike trade: Many customers can ride both the smaller and the larger frame height from an ergonomic point of view. What matters in the consultation is to filter out the decisive preference of the person buying. Is more value placed on dynamic / sporty driving style, or is higher smoothness & more comfort in focus. The quality of this advice is now also integrated in our online sizing widget. Users can choose between comfortable, neutral & sporty and get their individual recommendation based on this. The feature is directly integrated and immediately available for all existing online sizing customers.

"For us, this is another milestone," says Andreas Bruch - Head of Development, "We are creating even more clarity when buying bikes online. With our sizing and fitting experience, we are of course aware that depending on the model and body data, you can sometimes be exactly between two frame sizes. With the parameter of riding style preference, our factual recommendations become even more individual and clear."

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Inhalte werden geladen
  • Portrait of Bruno Schotten
    Bruno Schotten
  • Portrait of David Jesinghausen
    David Jesinghausen
  • Portrait of Adrian Horchler
    Adrian Horchler
  • Portrait of Alice Cardoso
    Alice Cardoso